The vast majority of people who are interested in buying a home are not going to be able to pay cash for the home. Even for those who can buy a home in cash, they often would rather take out a loan to avoid pulling money out of their investments where they would have to pay capital gains taxes.
Those who take out a loan to buy a home will apply for something called a mortgage.
Simply put, a mortgage is a loan that someone uses to buy a home. Mortgages are very specific to the real estate industry; however, they are similar to other loans. People borrow money to cover the difference between the down payment and the cost of the house.
Then, they pay back the loan over a specified period of time with interest. For those who are buying a home, it is important to understand the basics of a mortgage.
Qualifying For A Mortgage
First, anyone buying a home has to qualify for a mortgage. Most lenders will have a set of criteria they use to approve someone for a loan. Some of the factors include:
The lender is taking on risk by providing a mortgage to someone. They want to make sure the borrower is going to reliably pay the loan back.
The Terms Of The Mortgage
Once someone has been approved for a loan, they need to figure out what the terms of the mortgage will be. Some of the variables include:
It is critical for everyone to talk with an experienced professional to make sure they understand the terms of the mortgage.