There are lots of people who are looking to take advantage of low interest rates to refinance their homes. This provides homeowners with an opportunity to save tens of thousands of dollars over the life of the loan. It could also allow homeowners to access equity to finance a home renovation or shave years off their mortgage. On the other hand, there are also a lot of people who make mistakes during the refinancing process. What are some of the mistakes that everyone should make sure they avoid?
Avoid Saying Yes To Loan Forbearance On A Mortgage
First, try to avoid mortgage forbearance if you can. If homeowners decide to pursue mortgage forbearance, they might have a bit of extra cash on hand because they will be able to skip a few payments. On the other hand, this could signal that the homeowner has issues related to his or her cash flow. As a result, homeowners might not get the best offer possible when they apply to refinance their mortgage down the road.
Always Check The Credit Score Before Applying
Next, homeowners should always check their credit scores before they decide to apply for a refinancing opportunity. It is not unusual for people to have mistakes in their credit scores. Nobody should have to pay for someone else’s financial mistakes. Homeowners have to remove these inaccuracies from the credit report before they apply for a refinancing opportunity. That way, homeowners have access to the best terms possible.
Check The Estimate Before Agreeing To A Refinance
Finally, homeowners also have to check the estimate before they agree to a refinance. Even though there are opportunities to save a lot of money, there are other fees involved. These could include points, origination fees, and other fees that could be included in closing costs. Homeowners have to be ready to pay these costs if they are going to refinance their loans.
Avoid These Mistakes When Refinancing
These are a few of the most common mistakes people make when they go through the refinancing process. By avoiding these mistakes, homeowners can place themselves in the best position possible to save money by refinancing their loan to more favorable terms.
Applying for a home loan might not be the most exciting part of purchasing a home; however, many homeowners need to go through a lender to purchase a home. It is exciting to hear that the approval letter has gone through; however, it is also possible for someone to see that they have been approved with conditions. What does this mean?
What are some of the most common reasons why someone might have conditions?
It Could Just Be Standard Procedure
Sometimes, people see that they have conditions to meet as a simple part of the approval process. For example, someone might be missing standard paperwork. It is the job of the underwriter to make sure that the lender is not taking on too much risk. Usually, this simply means that the loan requires some additional paperwork to be made final. Applicants need to gather this paperwork as fast as possible so the loan continues through the process. If there is a seller waiting, it is critical to jump on this immediately to prevent the offer from falling through.
What Are The Most Common Conditions?
There are several conditions that people might have to meet in order to finalize the loan approval process. For example, some people may need to provide letters of explanation, documenting anything that could be related to questions in the file. In other situations, a large deposit could require a letter of explanation as well. That way, the lender knows that someone has not taken a cash advance or opened another line of credit to cover the down payment. In other situations, proof of employment could also be listed as a condition of approval. Lenders want to make sure that applicants are going to keep their job after they purchase the house. Finally, earnest money proof could also be required. This is simply a copy of the earnest money check itself. It is critical for applicants to provide this paperwork quickly in order to finalize process.
Try To Meet All Requested Conditions As Quickly As Possible
It can be frustrating to see that a loan has been approved with conditions. Fortunately, a lot of these conditions are relatively easy to meet. Homeowners that are requested to provide proof to finalize the application process should try to do this as quickly as possible.
Many people have heard that there are a lot of changes taking place in the real estate market right now. As a result, a lot of people are thinking about purchasing a new home or refinancing an existing mortgage.
When looking at a mortgage, many people focus on the interest rate, the term of the loan, and the size of the loan. Even though these are all important factors to consider, it might be helpful to take a look at a few fun facts about mortgages as well.
Where Did The Word Come From?
When people take out a student loan, a car loan, or a personal loan, that is exactly what they are called. Why is a home loan called a mortgage? There's actually comes from an old French word. In French, it was spelled “Mort Gaige,” which stands for deal pledge. Then, when the mortgage was paid off, it was deemed “dead.” This word has carried over into the modern era.
The Red Door In Scotland
Mortgages are used to provide people with home loans all over the world. This includes Scotland. When homeowners are finished paying off their home loans in Scotland, they paint their door red. For those who plan on traveling to Scotland in the near future, it may be fun to keep an eye open for these red doors.
Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac Combine For The Majority Of Mortgages In The United States
Most people have heard a Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These two entities combine two back close to half of all mortgages in the United States. Therefore, they play a major role in helping people finance their homes.
Homeowners Depend On Mortgages For Almost All Home Loans
Many people have to go with paying off their mortgage and owning their home outright. This is a great goal to have; however, many people purchase mortgages that are 30 years in length. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the vast majority of homeowners depend on mortgages for just about every home purchase.
Mortgages Have An Interesting History
Mortgages have an interesting and unique history behind them. As the market continues to pick up, it will be interesting to see what happens next.
There is a lot of jargon that comes with purchasing a home. Even though this could be confusing, purchasing a home is also a significant decision. Therefore, it is critical for everyone to understand exactly what they are signing before they scribbled their name on the dotted line. In some cases, a co-borrower or a co-signer (also called a non-occupying co-borrower) could be needed to strengthen the application. What is the difference between these two terms?
What Is A Co-Borrower?
First, a co-borrower is simply a co-owner. Both names are on the title of the home. The co-borrower also shares the responsibility of the debt. This arrangement is usually used when two people are purchasing a home together. Usually, the primary borrower is going to be the person with the higher credit score. At the same time, the credit scores of both owners will be taken into consideration.
What Is A Co-Signer?
Also called a nonoccupying co-borrower, a cosigner is similar to a guarantor. Legally, a cosigner will not have any claim on the home. They will not take possession of the home and their name will not go on the title. On the other hand, they are still financially responsible for paying back the loan. In the event the primary borrower is unable to meet the monthly mortgage payments, the financial responsibility will fall on the cosigner.
Choose The Right Co-Borrower Or Co-Signer
It is critical for everyone to make sure they choose the right cosigner if they need one. Ideally, a primary borrower will be able to file a successful home application on his or her own. On the other hand, if the bank or credit union says that a cosigner or co-borrower is needed, it is critical to find someone who is reliable and trustworthy. Remember that they are going to be responsible for paying back a loan in the event the primary borrower cannot make the monthly mortgage payments.
Remember that a co-borrower is going to be listed as another owner of the home. In contrast, a cosigner is financially responsible but does not have any legal claim to the home. Understand the difference before signing a mortgage application.
It’s exciting to be able to move into a new home. But there are some tricky details to navigate when you already own a home and you’re ready to buy a new one. Should you buy or sell first? Don’t worry. There are viable solutions.
Should You Sell First?
Think about how selling your home first will impact your family. On the one hand, you’ll be in a better financial position. You’ll have cash in the bank. You may be able to negotiate better terms on your new house by putting more down. However, selling first may mean moving into temporary housing while you find a new house to buy. You might need to store your furnishings. In other words, you may need to move twice.
Should You Buy First?
Buying first gives you more stability. You can stay in your own home until you’re able to move into the new house. When you do move, there won’t be a big rush. You could move over the course of a week or even more. The downside to buying first is that you might be responsible for paying two mortgages for a month or more. There’s no guarantee that your home will sell in a predetermined length of time. And, there’s no guarantee you’ll get the amount of money for your old home that you need to be financially secure.
Viable Solutions No Matter What You Do
Thankfully, there are solutions no matter how you decide. If you sell your home first, you could ask your buyers for a later closing date so that you have time to find a new home. You could even ask them if you can lease your old home on a month-to-month basis so that you have time to buy a new home.
If you buy a new home first, you could get a bridge loan, that helps you pay the second mortgage until you sell your old home. You could also rent out your old home to help offset your mortgage payment.
As you can see, there are ways of making both scenarios work. Whether you decide to buy first or sell first, your real estate agent can help you make it happen.
It is important for everyone to diversify their investments. When people hear this term, they usually think about diversifying their investments across stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. In addition, it is also a prudent idea to leave the traditional financial markets and look for other sources of wealth as well.
This includes real estate. Without a doubt, this has been a challenging year. At the same time, those who are looking to build wealth should consider purchasing a house this year. There are several reasons why.
Mortgage Loans Are At Historic Lows
Those who have checked mortgage rates recently have probably found that they are close to historic lows. Therefore, a lot of people who would otherwise not be able to afford a home might be able to purchase a home at a relatively low price. Because interest rates are so low, this has the potential to save someone tens of thousands of dollars over the life of the loan. Even those who already have a mortgage are refinancing their homes anyway because of the significant difference. It is not often that homeowners have the opportunity to purchase a home at such a low price.
Real Estate Values Are Likely To Rise In The Future
Even though it is impossible to protect the real estate market with 100 percent certainty, there is a solid chance that real estate values are likely to rise in the future. Because the real estate market is depressed right now, many people believe that the only place the market has to go is up. There is no telling when the market is going to be this low again. As a result, those who are looking to make an investment in the real estate market should take advantage of the unique opportunity at the present time.
Diversify Investments In Real Estate To Build Wealth
Ultimately, there are a lot of challenges regarding looking for a home right now; however, those who are able to take advantage of the current opportunity have a chance to build wealth. Even though this might not be the perfect time to buy a home, it might be as close as the market gets. Consider looking for a new home today.
Organizing a home seems like a significant challenge. Fortunately, there are easier ways to make this happen. In less than an hour per day, it is possible to organize a home from top to bottom. Getting these unnecessary items out of the way might even prevent people from stubbing their toes! How can this be possible?
Start Getting Rid Of Unnecessary Items
Start by creating two boxes. The first box should have the word “donate” written on it. The second box should have the “trash” written on it. Then, go through every room in the home. Find items that can be donating. Take them to a local Goodwill or Salvation Army. Remember to get a receipt because these items may be tax-deductible, as long as you work with a trained tax professional.
Then, take items that can be thrown away and place them in the “trash” box. Be prepared to throw these out. This will instantly create more room in the home.
Target The Spice Cabinet
A lot of homes have unnecessary space wasted in the spice cabinet. Think about organizing them alphabetically. Be sure to check if any spices have expired, as they might need to be tossed out. Once the spices are all in the right spot, there will be a lot more space in the kitchen. That way, it will be easier to organize utensils, appliances, plates, bowls, cups, and the pantry itself.
Time To Deal With The Decorations
Once the holidays are over, it is time to organize the decorations. Make sure that each holiday has its own separate box. Then, make sure the boxes stack on top of each other. With a separate box for each holiday, it should be easy to store all the decorations in one place. This will free up a lot of other space in closets, storage areas, and cabinets.
Get The House Organized In An Hour Per Day
Concentrate on each small area, going room by room and "decluttering" as it will create a lot more space in the home, and in sections, it is easier to get everything organized. Ensure that everything has its place. It might even be helpful to write this down somewhere. Even though it might take some time to get used to it, having more open space in the home is never a bad thing!
Even though this may sound like a fancy word, amortization is simply a long word for a straightforward topic. Furthermore, it plays a significant role in the determination of monthly mortgage payments.
Before taking out a home loan, homeowners need to understand how their payment schedule works and what this means for the future of the home loan.
Amortization refers to the way monthly payments are calculated to make sure that homeowners pay the same amount every month throughout the life of the loan. Even if homeowners do not stay in the house for the life of the loan, amortization will still play a significant role in the amount of money they receive if they decide to sell the home.
Amortization Plays A Major Role In Calculating Monthly Payments
First, amortization plays a major role in calculating monthly payments because it ensures that homeowners pay the same amount of money over the life of the loan. Even though there is interest on the home loan, and inflation will play a role in the value of money during the life of the loan, the monthly payment is going to stay the same. This is particularly beneficial to homeowners who are still working and believe that their income is going to go up during the life of a 15 year or 30 year mortgage. Even if their income goes up, and even if inflation plays a role, their monthly mortgage payments will still stay the same thanks to amortization.
Amortization Divides Interest And Principal In Monthly Payments
On the other hand, amortization also plays a role in calculating interest versus principal in monthly mortgage payments. At the beginning of the loan, the majority of each monthly payment goes toward interest on the loan. At the end of the loan, the majority of each monthly payment goes toward principal. This also means that if homeowners decide to sell their home at some point during the loan, they might not get as much money as they think because most of their monthly payments have gone toward interest and haven’t built up any equity. This is another key factor homeowners should keep in mind when it comes to amortization.
Unless someone works in the real estate or mortgage industry, there is a high likelihood that they are going to run into unfamiliar terms. Appraisals, underwriting, and private mortgage insurance are a few of the examples. One of the most common terms that people might run into is termed mortgage points. Even though the term “points” might sound positive, this is not always the case. What do people need to know about mortgage points?
Mortgage Points Refer To Payments Due At Signing
When someone is negotiating for a home loan, they want to get the lowest interest rate possible. There are several ways that potential homeowners can get the interest rate reduced on their home loan. One option might be to increase the down payment. Another option might be to pay a percentage of the loan amount at signing.
Usually, mortgage points refer to a certain percentage of the loan amount that is due at signing. For example, someone who is being charged one mortgage point will pay 1 percent of the loan amount at signing. Why would someone want to pay a percentage of their loan early?
Mortgage Points Are Usually Paid In Exchange For A Lower Interest Rate
The most common reason why someone might pay mortgage points upfront is that they can bargain for a lower interest rate. For example, someone might be able to pay one mortgage point in exchange for having the interest rate on the rest of the loan dropped by 0.25 percent. Therefore, points go both ways. It is nice that someone can pay mortgage points to have the interest rate lowered on their loan; however, is this the correct decision?
Borrowers Have To Do Some Math
Ultimately, this comes down to a math equation. If a potential homeowner is forking over more money at signing, they are not going to be able to earn interest on that money in their bank account or the stock market. On the other hand, they will save money over the life of the loan because the interest rate will be reduced. Therefore, homeowners have to do some math and compare the interest they are losing by paying money upfront compared to the interest they are saving on the home loan.
When you are going through the process of looking for a new home, you are probably focused on the sticker price of that home. Even though it is important to think about your down payment, your monthly mortgage payment, and the total amount of the loan, there are other expenses that you might need to cover as well. If you do not put down enough money, there is a chance that the lender could ask you to pay for something called private mortgage insurance. What is private mortgage insurance and how much do you have to pay? There are several important points that you should keep in mind.
Why You Might Purchase PMI
Private mortgage insurance is something that the lender may ask you to purchase as a way to reduce their risk. If you do not make a sizable down payment, then the lender is responsible for funding most of the cost of your home. If you end up defaulting on the cost of that loan, the lender will lose a major amount of money. With PMI, the lender will be able to get his or her money back in the event that you default. Even though the exact cost of PMI will vary, you should expect to pay somewhere between 0.5 percent and 2 percent of the loan. You might be able to ask the lender to check with multiple options to find the least expensive policy possible for you. Once the PMI policy is instituted, this is something that you will have to pay on top of your monthly mortgage payment.
Avoiding PMI Payments
Importantly, there are ways that you can avoid PMI. You might be able to avoid this insurance policy altogether if you are able to increase the size of your down payment. If you cannot do that, the PMI policy will usually be canceled when you reach a certain threshold in equity. This is something that you should negotiate with the lender before you sign on the dotted line. In some cases, the PMI policy as waved when you reach 10 percent of the loan amount paid back. Even though you should check with a professional accountant, PMI is likely tax-deductible, similar to mortgage insurance.
There are lots of homeowners who fall on rough times from time to time. For example, some people may be in the midst of changing jobs. Other people might be going back to school. When this happens, it can be hard for homeowners to keep up with their mortgage payments. Even though they might be thinking about waiting for the bank to do something, this would be the ultimate mistake.
There are ways to handle late mortgage payments as long as homeowners reach out to the lender to discuss their options. What should homeowners do if they start falling behind on their mortgage payments?
Let The Lender Know Why They Are Falling Behind
If lenders do not hear anything from the homeowners, they are not going to know what is going on. Therefore, they may end up taking drastic action. The first thing that homeowners need to do is to let the lender know that they are falling behind on their mortgage payments. That way, the lender understands that the homeowner knows he or she is behind on the mortgage. Then, let the lender know why the mortgage payments will be coming in late. For example, there might be an unexpected medical expense that took the mortgage payment that month. Or, the homeowner might be looking for a new job. These are all understandable reasons why the mortgage payments might be late.
Ask The Lender To Go Over The Options
Next, the homeowner also should discuss with the lender all of the options when it comes to late mortgage payments. There are lots of options available. If there is a one-time unexpected expense, the lender might simply break up that payment and spread it out over the upcoming payments without charging any extra interest. Or, the lender might be willing to simply add a few months to the mortgage in exchange for not charging a late fee. These are a few of the many options the lender has at his or her disposal.
Do Not Ignore Late Mortgage Payments
The only mistake that homeowners can make with late mortgage payments is not communicating with the lender. As long as the lender understands what is going on, homeowners should have options at their disposal.
As we move into 2021, there are a lot of people who are thinking about getting a mortgage. Even though it is a great time to look for a home loan right now, it is also important for everyone to make sure they place themselves in the best position possible to be successful. It is important to take the following steps for those who are interested in applying for a new home loan this year.
Calculate Your Budget Carefully
First, it is important to take a look at the budget carefully and find a mortgage that is affordable. Remember that the mortgage payment isn’t the only expense that comes with owning a home. It is also critical to think about real estate taxes and homeowners’ insurance, which is often included in the monthly payment that goes back to the lender. Then, do not overlook the importance of utilities. Some of the most common utilities include electricity, water, gas, cable, and internet. Before looking for a home loan, make sure to calculate the budget carefully.
See If Extra Payments Are Possible
When people first take out a home loan, the majority of the monthly payment is going to go towards interest. Then, at the end of the loan, the majority of the payment is going to go towards the principal. Those who are able to afford to make extra monthly payments will be able to attack the principal directly. The faster homeowners are able to pay off their home loans, the less they are going to pay in interest over the life of the loan. Any homeowner that is able to make extra payments should consider doing so.
Don’t Forget To Deduct Mortgage Interest From Taxes
Anyone who is looking for a way to reduce their tax liability should consider taking out a home loan. There are lots of tax breaks that are available to people who own a home; however, for many homeowners, the biggest deduction is going to come in the form of mortgage interest. This can significantly reduce the amount of money that homeowners have to pay in taxes. Be sure to speak with the lender to learn more about the relationship between mortgage interest and tax deductions.
Right now is the best time to look at refinancing your home. Even if your current mortgage is as young as a year old, you might find that a refinance is in your best interest.
Be Sure That A Refinance Makes Sense
With today’s rates, refinancing makes sense for many homeowners, but it might not be the right move for you. Depending upon your mortgage, you may pay a penalty if you prepay early. Also, if you’ve paid heavily into your mortgage, refinancing into a new 20 or 30 year mortgage could cost you money over the long-term. The bottom line is to carefully read through your loan documents or even call your loan company to find out the details of the impact of a refinance.
Consult With A Professional
Once you’ve determined that a refinance makes sense in theory, it’s time to talk with an objective professional, i.e., not your loan rep. Seek out a fiduciary, who has receives no gain whether or not you refinance. Have the professional run the numbers so you can see in black and white where you will stand financially after a refinance.
Compare Rates
If you and your financial professional decide that a refinance is the way to go, now it’s time to compare rates. Even with rates at rock bottom prices right now, you’ll find that you might save even more money just by shopping around. Also, remember that if your credit is excellent, you have more negotiating power. If you have a preference with working with a certain company, ask them to match the interest rate you’ve been offered by a competitor.
Protect Your Investment
Now that you’ve improved your mortgage situation with a refinance, it’s time to consider what your heirs will be left with when you’re no longer here to provide for them. Make sure that your loved ones can reap the benefit of your savvy financial planning by taking out a life insurance policy. There are many variations on life insurance policies, so by sure to compare and contrast benefits, terms and rates.
As a homeowner, you should always be on the lookout for ways to maximize your investment. Use these refinancing tips to get the most out of your home’s value.
For those who are thinking about buying or selling a home during the pandemic, they may feel like this is a difficult task. Even though it is true that this is going to be a challenge, people are able to increase their success rate by adapting to a new environment. When it comes to buying or selling a home during the pandemic, there are a few tips that everyone should keep in mind.
Many Showings Are Going To Be Virtual
Make sure that everyone is ready to provide a virtual tour or go on one themselves. Of course, everyone is currently living in an era of social distancing. Therefore, everyone has to make sure that they do not unnecessarily expose themselves to anyone. Virtual tours are a great way to adapt to this measure while still purchasing or selling a home. For those who are thinking about providing a virtual tour to someone else, make sure to take the time to explore all of the options available. Some software programs are going to be better than others.
Ensure There Is A Safe Way To Buy And Sell A Home
It is critical to think about other safety measures that people can take as well. Everyone has to make sure that they endear themselves to as many buyers as possible. In addition to providing virtual tours, it may also be helpful to provide hand sanitizer. Or, people need to make sure that they bring hand sanitizer. Of course, make sure to wear a mask at all times when someone is going to be within 6 feet of someone else. This is another important safety measure that everyone should take.
There Is Help Available During The Pandemic
Finally, it is also a great idea to note that there is financial help available. Lots of people have struggled during the pandemic. That is why there are financial resources available. Be sure to speak with a trained professional and figure out if there are ways to make the process of buying or selling a home just a little bit easier. This could end up saving someone a lot of time and money during the process.
Right now, mortgage rates have fallen to rates that haven’t been seen in years. This opens the door for many people to apply for a mortgage that they previously may not have been able to afford. Sadly, not everyone who applies for a mortgage is going to be approved. There are a few steps that applicants can take to increase their chances of getting their mortgage application approved.
Increase The Credit Score
Applicants need to make sure that their credit scores are as high as possible when they apply for a mortgage. The greater the credit score is, the more trustworthy they look to lenders. In general, applicants are going to need a credit score of 620 or higher to qualify for a home loan; however, those who want to get the best interest rates possible need to make sure their credit score is as high as possible. Try to ask for a free copy of the credit report from one of the major credit bureaus and correct any inaccuracies that might be present. Then, pay down as much debt as possible before applying for a mortgage.
Add More To Savings
Those who want to qualify for the best interest rates will need to be willing to put more money down. The only way to make this happen is to increase the amount of money in the savings account. Lenders are more willing to provide people with a home loan if they know the potential homeowner is supplying some of the capital as well. Delaying the home search by a month or two to collect more money in a savings account can dramatically improve someone’s chances of getting approved.
Increase Employment History
The longer someone has been employed, the better the chances of the application being approved. Lenders want to make sure that the potential homeowner is going to be able to pay back the loan. The longer the applicant has been employed, the greater the chances that he or she is going to remain in that position. A longer employment history could help someone qualify for lower interest rates.
Get A Mortgage Application Approved
These are a few steps applicants can take to improve the strength of their application. That way, they can get the home of their dreams.